Students who want to explore the languages 和 cultures of East Asia in some depth but whose primary interests lie elsewhere may choose a minor in East Asian Studies. If the following requirements are met, the student’s diploma will record the successful completion of a minor in East Asian Studies.

需求 for the minor

I. A core curriculum in East Asian culture (6 semester hours; one course from at least two of the following categories): 

A. Art History 和 Literature

分- 1310Introduction to Asian Art: China
东- 2315East Asian Heroes
东- 2321Asian Americans 和 Translingual Identities

B. Civilization 和 History

下巴2311Chinese Civilization
嘘- 1320History of China 
嘘- 1324Modern East Asia

C. Philosophy 和 Religion 

可靠性- 1330Asian Religions
东- 2316The Folk Ecology of Fengshui

II. The concentration in an East Asian language: 

A. Completion of 9 credit hours of upper division language 和 literature courses taught in the target language. 

下巴- 3401Advanced Chinese I
下巴- 3402 Advanced Chinese II 
下巴- 3310成语故事
下巴- 3311Reading Chinese 新闻papers
下巴- 4310 Advanced Conversation 和 Composition I
下巴- 4311Advanced Conversation 和 Composition II
下巴- 4321 Topics in Modern Chinese Literature 
下巴- 4322 Readings in Contemporary Chinese Cinema 

Or similar coursework in an approved study abroad program in an East Asian country.

B. Completion of 6 semester hours of upper division electives taught in English 

分- 3476Contemporary Chinese Art (also listed as CHIN-3476)
busn - 4364 Internationalizing Intellectual Property (also listed as 下巴- 4364
下巴- 3312Chinese Cinema: A Historical 和 Cultural Perspective 
下巴- 3313Cities of Strangers: Trans-Cultural Chinese Cinema
下巴- 3314Chinese Literature in Translation
下巴- 3320 The Rise of Modern China (also listed as 嘘- 3320
下巴- 3330 Global Business Culture (also listed as intb - 3330
下巴- 3433 Chinese Religions: Unity 和 Diversity (also listed as 可靠性- 3433)
下巴- 3443  Chinese Foreign Policy (also listed as plsi - 3443)
下巴- 3376Contemporary Chinese Art (also listed as 分- 3376)
下巴- 4364 Internationalizing Intellectual Property (also listed as busn - 4364
嘘- 3320 The Rise of Modern China (also listed as 下巴- 3320
嘘- 3420Gender in China, 1500-Present
嘘- 3492Global China: A History of Migration
嘘- 4420Seminar in Asian History
intb - 3330Global Business Culture (also listed as 下巴- 3330)
intb - 4362International Br和ing
plsi - 3431Comparative Political Economy of North America, Europe, 和 East Asia
plsi - 3441East Asian Security 
plsi - 3343Chinese Foreign Policy (also listed as CHIN-3343) 
plsi - 3366Governance 和 Public Policy in Contemporary China (also listed as 下巴- 3366市区- 3366)
可靠性- 3433 Chinese Religions: Unity 和 Diversity (also listed as 下巴- 3433
3434年贫Japanese Literature of the Spirit World 

When departments offer a relevant course coded under a "special topics" or "variable content" designation, the EAST Committee may approve such courses for inclusion within the major or minor. 

IV. University requirements: 

Completion of all other required elements of the Pathways curriculum 和 at least 120 credit hours.


 Department Website

  Stephen Lee Field, Ph.D. (主任)
  张杰,博士.D. (主任)



From the East Asian Studies (EAST) Program.



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